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Is Black the most sustainable colour?

Ever wondered which colour is the most sustainable? No? Don't worry because I have. This applies more for fashion than it does for Interior Design but it was still interesting to dive into.

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Dare I say that the colour Black in fashion is the 'easiest' colour. It goes with everything, it's unisex and it's timeless. 90% of my wardrobe in Black and 'LBD' is a universally understood acronym. The Fashion Classroom states that black is the best selling colour in both mens and womenswear.

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If Black is the most popular colour, if everyone produced only their black items then would this reduce fashion waste? Because they're only producing things in the most popular colour, then this reduces inventory and you won't have all of those left over colours (anyone remember that lime green leopard print trend).

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Factories have minimum orders for non-black colour which leads to over ordering and then wastage. Will it also mean that the fabrics are more recyclable because they are more useable if everything was black? Would that close the loop on fashion as little more?

Black also has the lowest cost per wear compared to coloured or patterns items, so buying black items saves you money, plus you'll actually wear the items in your wardrobe.

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Now I'm not suggesting everyone just dresses in black (we still have the over production problem to deal with), that would make for a strange uniform but I thought it was an interesting concept. Thoughts?

Until next time...

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