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5 Mistakes to avoid when designing your home

Interior Design has been dubbed expensive and for the elite only but I'm here to break that idea and tell you that Interior Design is for everyone. Whatever your budget, there are ways of turning your Interior Design dream into reality. And hiring an Interior Designer will help you on that journey to reality.

Don't believe me? Continue reading for my 5 reasons to hire an Interior Designer.

1. Rushing Things

I see this mistake all the time. Not only is it very frustrating when you rush and something goes wrong or isn't quite right, it can also hurt your bank balance when you try and put things right. If you can, take your time with your design. Live in your space for a white, figure out what you like and what your want to change then start the design process.

Image Source: Studio Lawson

2. Not Ordering Samples

Order samples, order samples, order samples! If you take anything from these tips please let it be this one. Everything looks different in different light, and next to different textures and other colours. It's so so so important to get samples into the spaces they're intended for so you can see everything together and make sure they all work in harmony.

Image Source: Studio Lawson

3. Following Trends

Now, I love a trend as much as the next gal but please don't design your whole house around current trends. Trends come and go, your home should be filled with things you love, that bring you joy and that are a reflection of the life you have lived. Collect, curate and treasure the things you surround yourself with. You'll thank me later.

Image Source: Studio Lawson

4. Saying No To DIY

DIY can be as simple as making your own abstract artwork or painting a chest of drawers. It doesn't have to be a big build, like create a mantle piece (although this is fun too). It can be as big or as small as you want, that sense of accomplishment and personal touch goes a long way in a space. Don't rule out DIY, you might just fall in love with it!

Image Source: Studio Lawson

5. Dreaming Small

Your home should an expression of you and reflect the life you have lived. Dream big when it comes to design. There is usually a hack (or two) to turn those dreams into reality.

Image Source: Studio Lawson

If you have a project you need help with or would like a professional opinion please get in touch, I can talk about design until the cows come home! In the mean time don't forget to come and say hi on the Studio Lawson socials and give us a like and follow 👋

Until next time…

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